Any information presented in this document is given purely as illustrations and should not be construed as specific investment recommendations. The laws relating to investment, taxation, benefits, and the handling of money are constantly changing and are often subject to changes in government policy. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained herein at the time of publication and presentation, neither the author, presenter, promoters nor the publishers will bear any responsibility or liability for any action taken by any person, persons or organisations on the purported basis of information contained in the document herein. Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, no person, persons or organisations should invest monies or take other action on reliance of the material contained in this material but instead should satisfy themselves independently (by seeking expert advice or otherwise) of the appropriateness of any such action. Canterbury are not licensed financial advisors. The general information we provide is for educational purposes only. Whenever specific financial advice or financial product advice is required Canterbury refer you to licensed individuals who hold the appropriate licensing required by ASIC.
Some of the information and techniques mentioned needs to be supplemented by further information that will be provided in subsequent meetings with Canterbury representatives.